Main street, Bay St. Louis, MS, looking west.
Main street, Bay St. Louis, MS, looking east.
Bay St. Louis, on Hwy 90, just up from the Bay St. Louis bridge.
This was the bridge that connected Bay St. Louis and Pass Christian.
Main street Bay St. Louis, looking North.
Beach home before; Photo provided by Allen Risler
Beach home after; Photo provided by Allen Risler
Greg and Beverly Olson house before Katrina. Greg layed every cinder block, hauled and placed every shingle. Photo provided by Allen Risler
Greg and Beverly Olson house after Katrina; Photo provided by Allen Risler
Waveland, MS, Central Avenue.
Waveland, MS, sign to friends and relatives.
Gulfside Assembly, Waveland, MS. They had just constructed a brand new building which was on the left side of the photo. There were several old and new buildings on the lot.
Railroad tracks; Waveland, MS. The water, which only reached the tracks and stopped during Hurricane Camille, went well past the tracks during Katrina and continued past Hwy 90.
Forty five parishioners attended service on the slab where Christ Episcopal Church once stood. Christ Episcopal is located in Bay St. Louis, MS
Christ Episcopal Church, Damage Photos
Waveland Damage Photos; A Personal View; Kim and David King
Damage Photos Part 3
Damage Photos Part 4
Damage Photos Part 5
Damage To Christ Episcopal Parishioners Homes